Thursday, May 19, 2011

Blog # 14

In biology many organisms have been dissected so far, grasshoppers, fish, squid, clams, starfish and a few more. After dissecting these organisms and comparing their internal and external organs it seems that many of them have many differences and some similarities. The clam and squid for instance both live in water and are marine animals, however the only exoskeleton the squid has is the ink pen while the clam has its exterior shell. In addition, the clams are
animals that move as a young then at maturation they stop moving and stay in one place, on the other hand, squids move around using water sucked in from it's siphon and jetting it out. Moreover, the other difference between the squid and clam is the digestive system, the squid and clam both suck in their food but the squid has a parrot-like beak that helps break down food.The similarities between the clam and the squid is that both organisms have a siphon. Furthermore, the squid has a mantle that can be seen immediately while the clam also has a mantle but could only be seen when the shell is opened.



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